Cottages of Owatonna is Finished and Open!
We finished the Cottages of Owatonna earlier this month. It is a great looking building inside and out with several great looking fireplaces!

The Cottages of Owatonna Is Heading for the Finish Line
We are putting the finishing touches on the Cottages of Owatonna with a December finish date. Sod is down and the fireplaces are in. This will be one good looking building inside and out.

Clifton Larson Allen Interior Renovation is Finishing Up
CLA Interior Renovation is on it's final stages of completion. We've knocked down some walls and created new offices along with updates to other areas of the building.

Medford Senior Care Addition is Completed!
The Medford Senior Care Addition finished up last week and was ready for it's new residents to move in!

Horizon Eye Care Building is Finished!
We finished up on the new Horizon Eye Care Clinic building earlier this month. It is a wonderful looking building inside and out. We appreciate your business and hope you enjoy your new building!

Update on The Quarters of Mankato
The Clubhouse at the Quarters is up! The pools and hot tub are in and the building is almost completely framed up! 2 of the 5 apartment buildings are framed up and working on the exterior/interior finishes and we've starting framing up the 3rd.

Medford Senior Care Addition
Framing is going great on the new addition for Medford Senior Care.

Update on the new Horizon Eye Care
Horizon Eye Care's new building is coming along nicely. Stone masonry is on its way to be completed and the roofing is being installed.

Waterville Maintenance Facility’s on the Home Stretch
Waterville Maintenance Facility is on the home stretch! We're getting all the final touches completed on the exterior and interior.

Demolition has started at Canby Swimming Pool
We've started demolition on the Canby Municipal Swimming Pool to make way for the new pool and bath house we will be working on this fall.

The Quarters Phase 1 is almost complete!
The Quarters of Mankato is finishing up on it's first 3 buildings this week. With Student's moving in very soon, we are working hard to make sure everything looks its best for them on move in day!

Merit Center Addition Update
Merit Center Addition is coming along nicely! The exterior of the building is up and we are working on the inside masonry blocks.